Recreation Program

The Arc of Southington manages a recreation program, primarily funded by a grant from the Town of Southington. The group provides activities to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the community.
To become a member of the recreation program, an individual must contact our Recreation Staff. We will meet with prospective members at the Arc of Southington offices, or at their homes, to evaluate their potential for participation in the Recreation Program. Please note that the recreation program does not provide one to one assistance or have vehicles that support a wheelchair. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
Each month a calendar is sent to the group members with at least five community activities they can choose to attend. Member choices are sent to our Recreation Director for review. For example, everyone could go to a movie outing, but a much smaller number would be suitable to attend a concert or dinner. Opportunities for individuals with disabilities to plan their own activities are provided. In addition, there are several day-long activities, day trips, and vacations during the year that provide respite for families.
The program is open to the I/DD community statewide. We have people who come from as far as Enfield to attend. The Arc of Southington is very fortunate to be able to provide this unique recreational program.
For more information on the recreation program, contact our Recreation Staff.