
Contact The Arc of Southington

How May We help You?

Patricia Gibney, Chief Executive Officer, (860) 628-9220 ext. 350 

Anthony Massarelli, Chief Financial Officer, (860) 628-9220 ext. 150

Brian Banks, Director of Behavioral Services, (860) 628-9220 ext. 180

Lydia Anderson, Human Resources Coordinator, (860) 628-9220 ext. 340

Program Directors:

Lyn Lorenzo, Program Director, (860) 628-9220 ext. 220

Carolyn Williams, Program Director, (860) 628-9220 ext. 210

Recreation Staff – Sam Brown & Maureen Jahne, (860) 628-9220 ext. 120

Assistive Technology & Self-Advocacy – Amanda Clair Assistive Technology Coordinator,  (860) 628-9220 ext. 290

Hiring / Training Coordinator – Mary Wrenn, (860) 628-9220 ext. 280

Membership – (860) 628-9220 ext. 100

Fundraising & Donating – Paola Rivera Receptionist, (860) 628-9220 ext. 100

All other inquiries please call our main number (860) 628-9220

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