Annual Golf Tournament
Check-in starts at 8 AM!
Your $175 registration fee includes the following:
- Driving range prior to tournament
- 18 holes of golf with cart
- Beer (wine/mixed drinks, cash bar)
- Served buffet lunch & dinner
- Closest to the pin & longest drive contests
- Hole in one vehicle giveaway
Schedule of events:
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Registration in the Top Tee Tent
9:00 AM Shotgun Start
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Lunch catered by Frankies available at the turn
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Dinner available in the Top Tee Tent
4:00 PM Announcing of winners
Also available for purchase at the tournament:
Raffle tickets – Amazing prizes such as a smartwatch, autographed sports memorabilia, gift cards and much more!
Cigars – Bridge Cigar Shop
Mulligans – Need a do-over? We got you covered.
For more information, contact Amanda at 860-426-3994
Hawk’s Landing Country Club
201 Pattonwood Dr.
Southington, CT